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5 types of food that cause cancer

5 types of food that cause cancer

5 types of food that cause cancer. Did you know ..? The “food” today may increase the risk of developing cancer.What foods should I avoid? Are as follows Red Meat Cook on High Heat:  Eating red meat, whether it’s pork, beef, lamb, or goat, that cook on a

women should never ignore

3 things women should never ignore

3 things women should never ignore. International Women’s Day falls on March 8 every year. It is a day to celebrate the importance of women around the world. It was a day of history that many women of all ages fought for their rights. And opportunities that should

prevent COVID-19 at the workplace

How to prevent COVID-19 at the workplace?

How to prevent COVID-19 at the workplace? with 7 ways you can do it when working in a mixed room. Even with a spaced table setting With care with the transmission of this terrible virus Come hear information from Doctor ufabet Recommended in the COVID-19 Survival Guide . Prevent COVID-19 in the workplace with 7

caused by contact lenses

Infectious diseases of the eyes caused by contact lenses

Infectious diseases of the eyes caused by contact lenses. Since the use of contact lenses to correct eye problems instead of eyeglasses more. Including also developing contact lenses Into becoming a fashion accessory for beauty as well. But in the midst of this increasing number of uses. Most of

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9 vegetables that can help you lose weight(2)

Cantonese lettuce Cantonese lettuce is vagetable that helps in the prevention of cancer. Especially in lung, colon, prostate and endometrial cancers. In Cantonese lettuce contains carotenoids. Which is good for eye health, can prevent cataract And deterioration of the eye muscles that occur with age, contains potassium that reduces


9 vegetables that can help you lose weight(1)

9 vegetables that can help you lose weight. Many people think of foods that help them lose weight a lot. I tend to think of celery or celery. Because the body has to burn a lot of energy to break down this vegetable. But celery is not the

weight loss doesn't work

Which behaviors that make running weight loss doesn’t work

Which behaviors that make running weight loss doesn’t work ? Running is definitely a method of exercise that can help you lose weight. But why do many people fail to see the results of weight loss from running as expected? Mr. ufabet Physiology Supervisor at the

Depression and Outdoor Exercise

Depression and Outdoor Exercise

Depression and Outdoor Exercise , Depression is a disease that more and more people today. Research has shown that it is caused by the hustle and bustle of today’s life that is highly competitive. And have less relationships between people and people People have an easily introverted behavior. Causing the

How to prevent our hands from dryness?

How to prevent our hands from dryness ? During the coronavirus outbreak 2019 or COVID-19 (COVID-19) we need to always wash our hands. It is an important way to help prevent the spread of the virus as well. But frequent hand washing can cause dry, itchy, or